Jul 27, 2022




If you are finding yourself complaining a lot recently, this article is just for you! We can form habits, both positive and negative, and not even realize it.

If we understood the power of our mindset, and our words, we would choose both way more carefully than what we currently do. Aristotle once said, “we are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act, but a habit.”

As you go through your day, do you find yourself being unhappy with the same things? Then you start talking about the things that you are unhappy about. Then you start brining others in on your conversations about what you are unhappy about, to try to see if they can be unhappy about those same things with you. Soon, this happens day after day. Now, our mindset has shifted from one of growth to one that is closed. When you see everything as an opportunity for growth, you welcome change, knowing that you will learn from it, and you are excited to see what this will bring into your life over the weeks, months, years to come. When you close your mindset, you have decided that you no longer welcome growth and change. You want things to continue the way they always have, or go back to where they were when you started. News flash, nothing can ever be what it was. EVER. We as people, change and evolve. Our environment changes, our culture changes, technology changes, in fact, the only constant in this world is, change.


So what happens when you become a complainer? You become unhappy. You become negative. Areas of your life start to suffer. You close yourself off from all of the positive, and happy, things that could be coming into your life. You believe that only certain people can help you, and you shun others. Worse yet, you believe that you already know everything you need to know and NOBODY can teach you anything.

The reality is, we need each other. The only way we grow, and evolve, and keep up with the times, is to be willing to learn from others with more experience than us. I’m not sure I would classify anyone as an expert, as the word expert would mean that they know everything there is to know. I whole heartedly believe that there are people with far more education, and experience, in certain fields and those are the people that we can learn from.

The Ferrum lifestyle revolves round adequate sleep, healthy nutrition choices and understanding that food is medicine, healthy and supporting relationships, growth mindset mentality, and physical training to improve healthy and longevity. There is a total picture in play. Missing one element affects the rest, leading to an imbalance in your healthy lifestyle.

How can you help your growth mindset? The beauty of mindset is that it is one of the few aspects of your life that are 100% within your control. How you CHOOSE to think leads to how you choose to view events, which leads to how you either react or respond, which leads to how you choose to communicate. If you want all of that to improve, first start by choosing to see the good. Once you see the good, your thoughts change, you respond instead of react, and the quality of your communication improves.

As we age, this has a tendency to creep into our lives without us even knowing. Our bodies change as we age and we have a tendency to either fight that change with denial, or become mad because we can no longer do what we did when we were 20. News flash, it is okay to age! Turning fifty, and older, is only limiting if you mentally allow it to be. You can still move, walk, run, squat, do pull ups, bench press, play with your kids/grandkids, play sports, swim, whatever you want. In fact, you NEED to do all of those things. Where people become angry, or in denial, is when they compare their fifty year old selves to their twenty something, competitive athlete selves. Sure, you use to go to school, go to football practice for 3 hours, then hit the weight room and PR your bench and squat without warming up, then go home and chug down Mountain Dew while inhaling a large Pizza Hut pizza, and then mow the grass for your parents and half your street, while having eight pack abs and bicep veins. Guess what? Just because you could do that then, doesn’t mean that it was healthy. Nor was living that lifestyle setting you up for success later in life. It’s okay that you now do things smarter, moving less weights yet moving them with better form and muscle activation. It’s okay that you now drink more water, eat eggs, egg whites, chicken, fruit and vegetables, and you pay attention to your caloric intake, as you know this is the key to preventing disease and living a higher quality lifestyle. It’s okay that the needs and wants of fifty year old you are FAR different than the needs and wants of twenty year old you. That’s part of being human.

When you choose to see the positive, you choose to live the positive. When you choose to change a negative mindset, you lower your stress level for yourself and those around you. Life is hard enough without adding additional grief through the things that you have ultimate control over. See the bigger picture of total health.